mmWave radar

A small, lightweight, low-power millimeter wave radar solution for greater accuracy and flexibility

With an antenna the size of a credit card, Plextek’s millimetre-wave or mmWave radar opens up new possibilities for accurate sensing with minimal interference on the ground, in the air, and in space.

The precise motion detection offered by mmWave radar has a variety of uses in everything from autonomous vehicles, drones and robots to traffic monitoring, smart home applications and security systems.

What these applications all have in common is the need to measure distance, velocity, acceleration and/or angle – to avoid a collision, for example, or detect the presence of an intruder.

The unrivalled ability of mmWave radar to detect even the subtlest changes means it can also take healthcare vital signs monitoring to a new level – keeping a non-invasive check on factors such as breathing and heart rate.

Real-world challenges

Adaptive mmWave radar for drone terrain navigation

When a client wanted to use mmWave radar as a smaller, lightweight, low-power, cost-effective option for terrain referenced navigation using a small radar mounted on a drone, the team adapted Plextek’s configurable mmWave radar module, the PLX-T60.

The challenge was then to fine tune the algorithms to turn a ground-based radar looking for moving targets into an airborne radar looking at complex terrain profiles below – as well as developing a whole new set of algorithms to accurately and reliably match those terrain profiles to reference data. In the end, we were able to help maintain awareness of the drone’s location to within meters, even when global navigation satellite system (GNSS) data ceased.

Configurable mmWave Radar Module
FOD detection radar system

Ensuring runways are kept clear of foreign object debris (FOD) is crucial in the aviation industry, as major damage can be caused if debris is sucked into an aircraft’s engine. But traditional visual inspections are time consuming and prone to human error.

When Plextek was asked to develop a FOD detection radar, two solutions were required comprised of two discrete detection scenarios; a fixed installation with multiple synchronised radar sensors covering an entire 4 km runway, and a mobile system mounted on the roof of a vehicle which could scan when driven along the runway.

To boost the situational awareness of the technology, we devised advanced signal processing algorithms to ensure the system could tell the difference between wanted and unwanted signals – debris versus airport “furniture”, such as airport light beacons, for example – and accurately detect items in close proximity to each other, which was successfully achieved.

mmWave for Foreign Object Detection (FOD)
Autonomous Radar strong in challenging conditions

Radar in autonomous vehicles has been a topic of great interest over the past decade with the vision of fully autonomous vehicles traversing our road network a source of significant investment, but the reality of realising a system capable of full driving autonomy in all weather conditions and road scenarios is challenging to say the least.

Increasing interest in autonomous applications where safety systems can often be compromised by weather conditions or other challenges to optical sensors (typically cameras or LiDAR) such as dust, dirt or smoke.

mmWave Radar for Industrial Warehousing & Agritech

Key skills

mmWave Radar
  • mmWave antenna design

    Developing highly optimised V- and E-band radars (operating in the 60 and 80 GHz bands)

  • Radar algorithm development

    Developing unique and highly capable algorithm suites to enable mmWave radar use in a wide variety of applications.

  • System test and evaluation

    Understanding system-level trade-offs of system design, as well as developmental and operational testing of those systems.

Radar designers have known for a long time the benefits and drawbacks of operating at each of the different wavelengths. But historically, manufacturing and computation capability were the limiting factors. Now, the possibilities with mmWave radar are endless.

John Markow, VP of Innovation
John Markow

VP of Innovation

What sets us apart when it comes to mmWave radar?

Many of the features Plextek employs are typical in the mmWave field but our open architecture allows customers to mix and match features to obtain the specific radar for their needs. Key enabling technologies available to customers include:

  • Highly efficient substrate-integrated-waveguide antenna designs
  • Broadband mmWave antenna designs
  • Design for different MIMO antenna configuration
  • Integration of mmWave power amplifiers and low-noise amplifiers
  • Selection of low-SWaP, high compute options as well as ultra-low-SWaP, medium compute options
  • Design for ultra-low power consumption mmWave radar sensors

Plextek uses a variety of standard and customised algorithms. The team enjoys developing and refining algorithms to match the cutting-edge capabilities enabled by the hardware. Capabilities of the radar include:

  • Imaging
  • Doppler and micro-Doppler processing
  • Multiple angle processing options
  • MIMO
  • Digital beamforming
  • Adaptive beam pattern and null steering
  • Over 75 dB of clutter rejection
  • Range-Doppler map and point cloud processing
  • Very wide bandwidth (up to 12 GHz) to enable imaging as well as simultaneous operation of multiple radars

Typical industrial applications – and more creative applications of these radars include:


Satellite docking
Rendezvous and proximity operations (RPO)
Satellite imaging radar
Space clutter/debris detection radar

Ground mapping

Alternative navigation using terrain profile matching (TERPROM)
Post-disaster terrain mapping
Terrain characterisation

All weather, day/night security

Perimeter security/monitoring
Intruder detection
Behaviour characterisation

Remote precision measuring

Infrastructure monitoring
Concealed weapon and illicit goods detection

Military applications

Drone-to-drone radar, drone docking, drone homing
Detect, track, follow/intercept
Detect and avoid
Sense to avoid
Perimeter security

Non-invasive vital signs monitoring

Heartbeat detection
Breathing rate
Fall detection

Autonomous vehicles and automative applications

Collision avoidance
Presence detection

WiFi 8, 802.11bn, ultra-high reliability (UHR)

Ultra-wide-bandwidth antennas
Highly directional antennas

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