Industrial Design

Translating insights and ideas into the look and feel of a product

From the sleek look and ergonomic feel of a smartphone to the intuitive operation of a smart home controller, industrial design is about so much more than a list of features.

It’s about creating innovative, eye-catching products that integrate seamlessly into their environment, whilst taking into account a variety of factors – from usability, aesthetics and materials to manufacturing processes.

Industrial design brings a product to life, translating insights from activities such as market research, bringing it to life through its appearance, functionality, user experience (UX) and more. Industrial design impacts the buyer’s first perception of the product; every physical touch point the user has with it, the ease of use and maintenance, and beyond. All these attributes significantly impact the buyer’s first impression, influencing every physical interaction, and if done wrong can be very costly to the creator. It also encompasses both physical and digital design, integrating the UX to enhance overall satisfaction.

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.

Steve Jobs

Co-founder of Apple

Good design is as little design as possible.

Dieter Rams

Real-world challenges

Colebrook Bosson Saunders

Our client, Colebrook Bosson Saunders (CBS), approached us to take its original concept from inception into high volume production for the consumer market. The partnership blended CBS’s ergonomic design philosophy with Plextek’s electronics design and manufacturing capability to create a unique product and meet the demands of high-volume production.

We designed the electrical solution to worldwide safety and EMC regulatory standards from the outset, refining the product’s capability and reducing cost. The electronics included bespoke embedded software and custom components which were designed, created, tested and managed by Plextek.

Our solution enabled CBS to deliver an award-winning, user-centric, smart electronic device. Plextek’s electronics, software and manufacturing capabilities realized CBS’s vision without compromising the compact and aesthetic form. This project enabled them to expand into new markets, provide existing clients with an exciting new product, and create new customer bases worldwide.

Project Cubert
iFIT health and fitness

The iFIT health and fitness brand recognised that consumers’ experience of its products, such as stationary bikes and treadmills, starts before their first workout. So, the challenge was how could the company create an assembly experience as compelling as its fitness experience?

To understand the unboxing and assembly experience, the Plextek team observed a series of builds with consumers assembling three different iFIT products. Each consumer was also interviewed about their perception of the experience, the pain points and the challenges.

The team then created a portfolio of design and engineering solutions to eliminate complexities and improve the way consumers engaged with the products.

Key skills

a frequency-scanned mm-wave radar demonstrator made using metallised 3D-printed Nylon sectoral horn antennas
  • Creative thinking

    Generating original ideas and turning them into tangible product designs.

  • Innovative conceptualisation

    The ability to generate and evolve compelling product concepts based on deep market insights.

  • Technical and commercial insight

    Balancing design with technical feasibility and commercial viability.

  • Strategic research

    Skilled in conducting and applying visual language research and technological studies to inform design.

  • User-centric design

    Designing products that optimise user comfort, efficiency and productivity.

  • Stakeholder management

    Effectiveness in engaging and collaborating with cross-functional teams for concept development and refinement.

  • Visual communication

    Sketching, rendering and creating engaging visual presentations for stakeholder alignment.

  • Computer-aided design (CAD) tools

    Expertise in using CAD for both creative sketch underlays and detailed technical layouts.

  • Design for manufacturing (DFM)

    Knowledge of manufacturing processes and the ability to refine designs for efficient production.

  • Prototype development

    Competence in developing pop models and prototypes to test and validate design approaches.

  • Project leadership

    Leading the design process from initial concept through to design refinement, incorporating feedback loops and technical adjustments.

People often have a picture in their mind of what a new product could be like – but what they haven’t done is link it back to the user’s needs and the business’ needs. It’s being able to do that effectively that is crucial for successful product design.

Andrew Wynne, Innovation Product Design Leader
Andrew Wynne

Innovation Product Design Leader

What sets us apart when it comes to industrial design?

We expertly blend cutting-edge innovation with a deep understanding of both consumer and business needs, ensuring every solution is technically robust, commercially viable and user-centric:

  • 3D CAD modelling
  • Brand language
  • Concept design
  • Concept development
  • Consumer insight
  • Cross-functional collaboration
  • DFM
  • Design refinement
  • Innovation
  • Market positioning
  • Market research
  • Product development
  • Prototyping
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Technical specifications
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